This recipe is a little more time consuming than our usual, but it’s just too good not to share, plus it’s not technically difficult and it only has three ingredients, one of which is optional!
Our Honey Candied Orange Peels may be a little different from the ones you’re used to. The honey gives them more of a jelly texture vs the dryer texture you get when candying with sugar but many who try them say they prefer a softer texture.
For these, we used our Leatherwood Honey. Leatherwood Honey is considered to be one of the rarest honeys in the world. The Leatherwood tree is mostly found in remote areas of Tasmania and takes 80-100 YEARS to flower!
Technically, you could use any of our honey for these candied peels but if you have never tried Leatherwood it is definitely an experience and, especially for its rarity, is quite reasonably priced. We put it on ALL the fruits!
We finished these by dipping them in melted Raspberry Manuka Chocolates. This part is optional…though your taste buds may disagree.

- 3 Large Navel Oranges
- 1 Cup PRI Leatherwood Honey
- 1 Bag PRI Raspberry Manuka Honey Dark Chocolate Patties (Optional)
- Place parchment paper on a baking sheet and set aside.
- Fill a medium saucepan with water and bring to a boil.
- Peel the oranges by slicing the sides off, and then scoring the skin to easily remove it in larger pieces. Be careful when removing the skin so you can have nice long pieces of orange peels.
- Place the orange peels into the saucepan and boil for 8 minutes. Then remove the orange peels with a large spoon, keeping the water in the saucepan.
- Use a paring knife to remove the skin from the orange peel. You should be able to see no white stuff on the orange peel.
- Then cut the peels into ¼ inch strips.
- Bring the water back to a boil and boil for 8-10 more minutes. Then drain using a strainer and set aside.
- In the sauce pan, combine 1 cup of leatherwood honey with 1 cup of water on high heat.
- After a few minutes the mixture should start to boil and bubble up. Then lower the heat to medium and cook for a few more minutes, after a few more minutes place the heat on low and simmer until you have a syrup. The syrup should be sticky and not watery.
- Next, add in the orange peels and simmer on low heat for 30-40 minutes, while stirring periodically so the syrup or orange peels doesn’t burn. Once the oranges are translucent it’s time to remove them.
- Place the orange peels on the parchment paper and let them dry overnight. Keep the remaining honey orange syrup for cocktails or to use as jam.
- Then enjoy!
- An option but recommended step is to dip the candied orange peels in chocolate. Melt PRI Raspberry Manuka Honey Chocolate Patties in a double boiler and dip the end of each orange peel into the chocolate. Then let the chocolate sit in the fridge and enjoy the raspberry orange honey combo!
- Store in an airtight container in the fridge.
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Welcome to a world of sweetness and delight with PRI Manuka Honey Chocolates! 🍫 Our chocolates are more than just a treat – they're a burst of joy with a touch of New Zealand's finest goodness. ✨ Natural Goodness: Dive… Read More