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Manuka Honey Ratings – What do these numbers mean?

Manuka Honey Ratings – What do these numbers mean?

PRI Team
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This article has been reposted from - No Fuss Natural

If you’re interested in Manuka honey, you’ve likely noticed the numbers listed on most jars. You’ll see ratings such as 10+, 20+, 30+, and also letters like UMF and MGO. What do these mean?

It can be incredibly confusing!

Manuka honey is not like any other honey. It has additional attributes that make it highly prized and beneficial. Not just any honey can be called Manuka honey. 

The New Zealand Government has a standard for Manuka Honey and every jar of Manuka Honey (not bulk sizes) packed in New Zealand has to pass this test in order to get an export license. However, this does not apply to Manuka not packed in New Zealand.

In my last post about Manuka honey, we discussed UMF vs Non-UMF and how each grading system is used to grade Manuka honey. There are very specific compounds that must be present in adequate amounts in order for honey to be considered Manuka honey. Each of these systems evaluates those important attributes. 

One of the most important attributes measured is the methylglyoxal content. This is the non-peroxide, antibacterial activity that makes Manuka honey so special. PRI uses an independent grading system measure the methylglyoxal content of honey,  but do so slightly differently. Click here to read the post for more information

So, let's talk about Manuka honey numbers. What do they mean?

The number rating on both UMF and MGO rated honey indicated the concentration of methylglyoxal content in that batch of honey. 

The higher the number, the higher the concentration of methylglyoxal. Honey with higher numbers has the same qualities as that with lower numbers, but is more potent.

If a jar has the letters MGO, it has been tested for the methylglyoxal content. The numbers after MG or MGO show the Methylglyoxal Level in mg/kg. 

Note: Non-UMF Manuka honey is not inferior honey. It is most often Manuka honey produced by quality beekepers that do not wish to pay the high costs of joining the UMFHA. This does not mean it is a poor quality honey but should always have a MG rating to ensure activity. 

You can translate the UMF and MGO numbers like this:

UMF® 5+ = MGO (Methylglyoxal Level) ≥83 mg/kg 

UMF® 10+ = MGO (Methylglyoxal Level) ≥261+ mg/kg

UMF® 20+ = MGO (Methylglyoxal Level) ≥829+ mg/kg

It should be noted that some companies have their own rating system. I personally find it easiest to look for the MGO content. It may not be on the front of the label, but is often located somewhere. However, that is not always the case, so you may need to familiarize yourself with the UMF ratings as well.


One factor to note is that the higher the MGO rating, the higher the concentration of methylglyoxal. Your selection will depend on the intended use of Manuka honey.

If you plan to use it to sweeten tea, baked goods, or spread on toast, but want some added benefits, then the lower ratings would be suitable (MGO ~60+).

If you plan to take the honey as a supplement for general well being or digestive health then a higher rating might be in order (MGO ~150+).

For treating wounds and burns, the highest possible rating is best as it has the greatest concentration of antibacterial and antiviral compounds (MGO 200+).


For a quick comparison of the numbers and uses see the Manuka honey ratings table below. 


Suggested Use


PRI Blend

Everyday Sweetener


PRI 5+ Monofloral

Everyday Sweetener


PRI 10+

Everyday Immune Support


PRI 20+

General and Digestive Health Maintenance, Skin Health


Mossop's UMF 15+

Best for helping to soothe specific skin conditions such as Rosacea, Eczema and Psoriasis

Manuka honey is one of the best honeys you’ll ever eat! I thoroughly enjoy using it for wellness support, facial care, burn treatments, and general sweetening of drinks and foods. I hope this helps clear up some of the confusion around Manuka honey ratings so you can feel confident in your choices!


Of course we would say the best Manuka honey comes from Pacific Resources International

WE provides a full Certificate of Analysis (COA) showing the DHA, MG and UMF levels for every jar of honey they carry.

Simply send the batch number (find it on the label) and they will provide the Certificate of Analysis for that specific batch of honey. Pretty awesome, right?

We sell independently tested Manuka honey from New Zealand and Australia as well as UMF Manuka honey.

Our honey is sourced and packed by family-owned beekeepers and is compliant with Manuka Honey standards set by the New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries.

We carry a wide variety of honey as well as many Manuka Honey products including Caramels, Chocolates, Nuggets, Cough syrups, and Lozenges.

This article has been reposted from - No Fuss Natural

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