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5 Easy, Delicious AND Nutritious School Snacks

5 Easy, Delicious AND Nutritious School Snacks

PRI Team August 16th, 2022 7 minute read

Blog | Recipes

It’s back to school and the season of snack swapping, make sure you give them something good. Bonus points if they don’t want to swap it 🤪 Maybe that’s wishful thinking? Creating snacks that are quick, inexpensive, nutritious and something...

Manuka Vs Influenza

Manuka Vs Influenza

PRI Team August 12th, 2022 3 minute read

Blog | Manuka Honey | Health & Wellness

Ditch the side effects for a dose of nature Dreaming of hot chocolate, cozy fires & even cozier slippers…hopefully minus the sore throats, congestion, coughs and fevers that seem to also come along with the colder weather. Unfortunately, the...

Is Honey Safe to Eat While Breastfeeding?

Is Honey Safe to Eat While Breastfeeding?

PRI Team August 4th, 2022 2 minute read

Blog | Manuka Honey | Health & Wellness

Answering your Most Searched Questions about Manuka Honey!  In this edition, we celebrate World Breastfeeding Month and answer the question: Is honey safe to eat while breastfeeding?  The short answer is: yes, you can eat as much honey as you wish....

Ice Cream Recipe Round-Up

Ice Cream Recipe Round-Up

PRI Team July 22nd, 2022 1 minute read

Blog | Recipes

Have you been celebrating National Ice Cream Month? It’s so easy to make your own, even if you don’t have an ice cream maker! Here are our top four recipes to keep you cool: 1 - Coffee Sweet Potato Nice Cream: We really think we cracked the...

Copycat Fruit Punch Gatorade

Copycat Fruit Punch Gatorade

PRI Team July 13th, 2022 3 minute read

Blog | Recipes

The dog days of summer are officially here 🥵. Whether you are keeping cool by the pool or crowded around the air conditioner, keeping hydrated is key. Especially if pool time involves margaritas 😉  We love a good electrolyte drink to keep us in tip...

Leatherwood Honey Frozen Fruit

Leatherwood Honey Frozen Fruit

PRI Team June 30th, 2022 2 minute read

Blog | Recipes

Leatherwood: the official honey of summer. Yeah, we know...bold statement. But would we lie to you? Never.  One of the most unique tasting kinds of honey out there with strong floral and citrus notes and a hint of...well something we just can't put our...

Easy DIY Manuka & ACV Cuticle Oil

Easy DIY Manuka & ACV Cuticle Oil

PRI Team June 27th, 2022 2 minute read

Blog | Manuka Honey | Health & Wellness

This is the cuticle oil for longer, stronger nails & healthy cuticles, .naturally! We all have had cuticle and nail issues and understand we need to take care of them…but what really are the purpose of our cuticles? Cuticles are actually part...

The Buzz On Bees In New Zealand

The Buzz On Bees In New Zealand

PRI Team June 22nd, 2022 3 minute read

Blog | Manuka Honey

Bees. Superheroes to every human - and really to every animal -  around the world. Essential to our survival, bees along with many other important pollinators, are responsible for at least a third of the crops we use every day. In New Zealand...

International Bath Day

International Bath Day

PRI Team June 14th, 2022 3 minute read

Blog | Health & Wellness

There is nothing like a lengthy soak in a bath of warm water to melt the stress away, so make sure to set a date with your tub as often as possible. And to make it extra soothing, you can add Manuka Honey, Manuka Oil, and Sea Salt; all ingredients which...

Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar With Manuka Honey

Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar With Manuka Honey

PRI Team June 7th, 2022 4 minute read

Blog | Manuka Honey | Recipes

We found out that you can make your own ACV using leftover apple cores and peels!! Minds blown, we immediately tried it ourselves, but using manuka honey instead of sugar…of course 😉 Replace your usual ACV shot with this manuka honey version to...