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Propolis Soap; Freedom From Inflammation

Propolis Soap; Freedom From Inflammation

PRI Team
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Propolis contains more than 300 compounds, most of which are in the form of polyphenols. Polyphenols help fight disease and reverse damage to the body. Propolis contains a polyphenol known as flavonoids. These are typically for protection of the plant but are found to have antioxidant properties for humans. Research shows that propolis helps to provide protection from some bacteria, viruses and fungi.

In regards to its anti fungal properties, propolis contains a compound called pinocembrim which has been found to heal traumatic burns faster and speed up healthy cell growth. They are not sure exactly how it works, but  it does stimulate new healthy cell growth in the the epithelial (skin).

Currently propolis is founds in soaps, ointments and tinctures. These forms are used for treatment of cold sores, genital herpes, hair growth, wound healing and acne.

In a study by Miata they found that in mice propolis stimulates hair growth by inducing hair keratinocyte proliferation via its chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid components.

In another study propolis was found to help reduce inflammation of the skin, which can lead to open wounds, acne and cancer. The polyphenol compounds in propolis are very protective and help to protect against UVB damage that causes cancer. There absorption spectrum can filter UV radiation and reduce penetration of radiations into skin, and subsequently decrease DNA damage, oxidative stress and the degree of inflammation.

So if you suffer from acne, open wounds or inflammation of the skin, such as psoriasis, or eczema give Propolis Soap with Manuka Honey and Tea Tree Oil a try to reduce you body’s reactions to UVB or skin irritants.


Pompei Bolfaa, Raluca Vidrighinescua,Andrei Petrutab,Dan Dezmireanc,Laura Stanc,Laurian Vlased,Grigore Damiane,Cornel Catoia,Adriana Filipb,, , Simona Clichicib. Photoprotective effects of Romanian propolis on skin of mice exposed to UVB irradiation

Shota Miyata, Yozo Oda, Chika Matsuo, Haruto Kumura, and Ken Kobayashi           Stimulatory Effect of Brazilian Propolis on Hair Growth through Proliferation of Keratinocytes in Mice.http://pubs.acs.org.ezproxy.massey.ac.nz/doi/abs/10.1021/jf503184s


Propolis Soap with Manuka Honey & Tea Tree Oil

Propolis Soap with Manuka Honey & Tea Tree Oil

$ 9.99

Throughout the day, your skin is continuously fighting against germs, bacteria, and other harmful organisms that could affect your well-being. When you finally go in for a shower, however, especially if you have sensitive skin, your soap can be doing… Read More

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