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Rata honey - 500g

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$ 22.99

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This award winning raw Rata Honey comes from the remote native forests on the West Coast of the South Island (New Zealand). This is our master beekeepers favorite honey and they would normally reserve this for their own personal use but they have agreed to share it with you! Raw means it has undergone less processing making it higher in healthy enzymes and retaining a distinctive flavor.

  • Raw honey has been processed less than conventional honeys. It has not been stirred for long periods or heated above normal hive temperature (approx. 35℃) which retains more micro-nutrients. Independent research shows that it has more than double the amount healthy enzymes than conventionally processed honey.
  • Single source honey comes from only one site and is not blended with honey from other locations like most commercial honeys. This captures the distinctive floral sources and retains the unique flavor and properties of that location.
  • Our Rata honey comes from the remote, untamed landscape on the West Coast of the South Island. Otira Gorge in the Arthurs Pass is high up in the Southern Alps and home to the native Southern Rata tree which has beautiful large red flowers which are similar to Pohutukawa or the New Zealand Christmas tree. Unfortunately it only flowers sporadically so pure rata honey is rare and very
  • Rata honey is light in color with a delicate, floral taste making it a real favorite with many honey
  • The master beekeeper that operates these hives is Lindsay Feary. He has a wealth of beekeeping experience and produces some of the best West Coast honey

Connecting land, people, & purity of sourcing to health.

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